Friday, October 19, 2007

Too Cold for Comfort

Ilene Sochi
David .M.Mullen

Too Cold for Comfort

My arrival to the U.S.A is one experience among many which can never be eroded from my memory. It was a long preparation which took months of considerations, planning, prayers, and advice, it was unending; but it ended when I arrived in U.S. I left home on the 24th of December with my family members and friends who accompanied me to the Ikeja International Airport in Lagos Nigeria. They include, my father Mr. Eugene, my mother Mrs. Evelyn, my friends Kemi, Titilayo, Tayo, Brother Wilson, Sister Amaka, Sister Julie, Brother Idowu and others.
We got to the Ikeja Lagos International Airport at about 6:30 p.m. to board my flight to Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam by 11:00 p.m. I went through the normal procedure of checking and boarding, then finally, with tears of joy in my eyes I said good bye to my loved ones and walked down the departure hallway to board the flight which eventually took off by 11:00 p.m., and the airline was KLM to Holland Schiphol Airport, where I would then transit to another plane to the U.S.
While in the plane, I was afraid and kept praying to God against terrorist attack. The air was bumpy, and I began to wonder if the air also has bumps like the road; the air hostesses served a lot of food during the flight that I just can’t describe how they looked like or tasted like, but know they sure taste nasty to me. I kept my self entertained with movies like; Harry Porter and music from the T.V in the plane. I arrived in Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam at about 6:00 a.m. in the morning on Christmas day being the 25th of December and had to wait for my fight to the U.S which was to depart by 1:30 p.m. This was not funny; it was an unpleasant and uncomfortable waiting, coupled with the fact that I was famished. I walked around the airport and saw many beautiful things in the big, busy Airport like jewelry, shoes, and bags made of pure leather, food that smelled nice and captivating to the eyes, but appalling and tasteless to a foreigner like me, who is used to Africa food like; yam porridge, pounded yam, and local soup. I kept walking round the airport till I got tired and slept on a bench, waking up to see people queuing to board the same flight as mine. I continued my sojourn to the U.S. with an empty stomach; the journey was boring and tiring because I was so hungry and weak; I managed to eat the food in the plane and left the rest for the air hostess. There was a lot of noise in the plane from passengers who were anxious to meet their loved ones and also vacation seekers. At about 4:30 p.m., the pilot announced the landing of the plane in a few hours and every one was happy and finally, around an hour and thirty minutes later or so, we touched ground at the J.F. Kennedy Airport in New York U.S.A on the 25th December. Every one congratulated one another for safe arrival. I got off the plane, got my luggage and that was when the problem started.
Africans had a wrong perception of the Americans; they believed the Americans don’t travel during the winter period because of the cold, but no, that perception was abolished the moment I got to the big, busy J.F. Kennedy Airport and saw this crowd of people, and wondered what was wrong; then I realized they travel like wildfire. The crowd I saw could be compared to the crowd in one of Africa’s largest and busiest Markets called Oshodi Market in Lagos, Nigeria. The Airport was noisy with people’s shouts of joy and laughter, busy with buying and selling; the weather was too cold for comfort and I started crying and wanted to go back to my Country. The rain was falling with hail stones at the same time, and I was cold to the bone, freezing wet to the skin and worst of all my beautiful African clothing couldn’t cover me from the cold December night. I approached an African brother named; Mark from Ghana at the airport who works for Jet Blue Airline. I explained my plight to him and he gave me his jacket and that was how I got warm from the cold courtesy of my wonderful African brother.